Originally posted by steelcut
i got the first edition of the Cube. Unfortunately those are a little bit "fast" and not so well made. The backplate got loose and had to be glued back on, the pistons anyway just slide very quickly down.My question would be: can i "tune" the V1 so the pistons will be a bit slower?
Thanx, seems to work.
..but didn't work for long. The oil got sticky.
Better solution: use u liquid power glue and seal the tiny gap between bottom plate and cube. The glue will flow into the small gap and no more air will get squeezed out that way. But take the pistons out before..
You can add a very small amount of oil to the outside surface of the pistons and this will limit the amount of air that can escape and slow down the descent of the pistons. Food safe oils are best as you'll be handling it, a pinch olive oil is a surprisingly good lubricant to try!